GF Energy is certified by:

ISO 9001:20015 standard refers to Quality Management Systems and concerns all companies.The standard sets the requirements for the development and implementation of a management system in order to improve the function mode of the company and satisfy the customers' needs.

ISO 14001:20015 standard is related to environmental management, certifies that companies and employees  follow and use an operating model based on which they are committed to control their environmental impact and constantly  improve their environmental performance.

ISO 45001:2018 is  a health, and safety management system standard that provides quality working environment, occupational health, and safety insurance for employees, but also for everyone involved with the company, such as customers.


REDcert is a voluntary certification system and also recognized by the EU Commission. It can be applied to all of the steps involved in the process starting with production and collection of input materials through to processing in oil mills and the production of biofuel and liquid biofuel.

Member of:


To European Biodiesel Board (EBB) is the largest institutional representative of European producers of biodiesel. Our company is a full member of the EBB since 2011.


SVIVE is the institutional representative of biofuel producers in Greece from 2007